Monday 16 January 2012

My last post - from Australia

This is a ridiculously delayed post. In fact, I haven't given this blog much of my time over the last 6 months at all. That's because I left Edinburgh to travel before returning home to Australia, and since this blog is about Edinburgh, well, I can't really keep this blog up. So, this is my last post, unfortunately.

I'd love to start a new blog in Australia, but at this stage, don't know what that blog would be about. I love both cooking and eating out, but there are more blogs in Australia about these topics than I can point a cursor at. So, we'll see.

Meanwhile, I'm missing Edinburgh like crazy and can't wait to get back for a visit. When I do, I hope my favourite places - Artisan Roast, Under the Stairs, Passorn (to name only a few; many of which I didn't get a chance to write about) - are still there.

If anyone reading this has any questions about Edinburgh - not just about eating out or finding good coffee - please post a comment. I'd be absolutely happy to help. It's a wonderful place.

Thanks for anyone that's either subscribed to this blog and given me helpful feedback, or who's just dropped by to see whether it's absolute rubbish or not. Hopefully those in the latter category concluded it wasn't all that bad!
